take security to the next level

Securing your (web)application is vital. By using the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES) methodology, our ethical hackers simulate real-world cyberattacks to uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses that automated systems may overlook. The results provide crucial insights into potential points of exploitation, allowing you to proactively address and mitigate security risks before malicious hackers can exploit them.

Whether you opt for black-box testing (no internal system knowledge), white-box testing (full internal insights), or grey-box testing (partial system knowledge), each method serves a specific purpose. Together, we determine your goals upfront to align with your security objectives.

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Our penetration test service offers in-depth assessment and evaluation of network security, (web)application vulnerabilities, and other points of exploitation. Together, we establish the goals and the scope of the test upfront to ensure the outcome aligns precisely with your security objectives. Our pentest includes:

  • Network scanning: The use of automated tools to scan the target network for open ports, services, and potential vulnerabilities in network devices.
  • Vulnerability identification: Cataloguing known vulnerabilities in the application, including software and configuration weaknesses.
  • Assessment of patch levels: Evaluation of the status of software patches and updates to determine if systems are up to date with the latest security fixes.
  • Web application scanning: Assessment of web application for common weaknesses with maximum attention for the vulnerabilities in the OWASP Top 10, such as SQL injection, and cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • Manual testing: Validation and further investigation of potential vulnerabilities using human logic, in line with the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES).
  • Risk prioritisation: Assignment of risk levels to identified vulnerabilities based on factors such as the potential impact, likelihood of exploitation, and the context of the organisation.
  • Custom report: Detailed report including a list of identified vulnerabilities, their risk levels, and recommendations for remediation.

Mimic a true cyber attack
Assess vulnerability to insider’s threats
Simulate an attack where a hacker gains access to a priviliged account
Access level
Zero access of internal information
Account available and some internal information
Complete open access to applications and systems
Can only be done by trial and error method
Data domain and internal boundaries can be tested, if known
Data domain and internal boundaries can be tested more thoroughly
Least time consuming
Good balance of time and depth of testing
Most exhaustive and time consuming

  • Blackbox
  • Greybox 3
  • Popular
    Greybox 5
  • Greybox 7
  • Whitebox
BlackboxGreybox 3
Greybox 5
Greybox 7Whitebox
Test duration1 day3 days5 days7 days5 days
Total duration start to report3 days7 days14 days16 days14 days
Leaking of technical information
Application management
Connection safety
Use of standard accounts
Password policy
Authentication requirements
Horizontal escalation
Vertical escalation
Session management
Input validation
Output validation
API security
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Our one-day blackbox pentest costs 1400 euro and has a total duration of 3 days from start to report. It includes the following checks:

  • Leaking of technical information
  • Connection safety
  • Use of standard accounts
  • Password policy

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Our 3-day greybox pentest costs 4500 euro and has a total duration of 7 days from start to report. It includes the following checks:

  • Leaking of technical information
  • Application management
  • Connection safety
  • Use of standard accounts
  • Password policy
  • Authentication requirements
  • CSRF
  • Cookies
  • Input validation
  • Output validation

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Our 5-day greybox pentest costs 7000 euro and has a total duration of 14 days from start to report. It includes the following checks:

  • Leaking of technical information
  • Application management
  • Connection safety
  • Use of standard accounts
  • Password policy
  • Authentication requirements
  • Sequencing
  • Horizontal escalation
  • Vertical escalation
  • Session management
  • CSRF
  • Cookies
  • Input validation
  • Output validation

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Our 7-day greybox pentest costs 8650 euro and has a total duration of 16 days from start to report. It includes the following checks:

  • Leaking oftechnical information
  • Application management
  • Connection safety
  • Use of standard accounts
  • Password policy
  • Authentication requirements
  • Sequencing
  • Horizontal escalation
  • Vertical escalation
  • Session management
  • CSRF
  • Cookies
  • Input validation
  • Output validation
  • API security

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Our 5-day whitebox pentest costs 7000 euro and has a total duration of 14 days from start to report. It includes the following checks:

  • Leaking of technical information
  • Application management
  • Connection safety
  • Use of standard accounts
  • Password policy
  • Authentication requirements
  • Sequencing
  • Horizontal escalation
  • Vertical escalation
  • Session management
  • CSRF
  • Cookies
  • Input validation
  • Output validation

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